Cloudways Review 2024: Features, Pricing & More


Cloudways Offers Managed Cloud Hosting Services

Cloudways offers managed cloud hosting services with the aim of helping businesses focus on other aspects of their organization. Customers receive automated backups, fast load speeds, and a choice of different cloud servers, including Amazon Web Services, Linode, Vultr, DigitalOcean, and Google Cloud.


  • 99.999% uptime guarantee
  • Fast server speeds
  • Free SSL certificates
  • High user ratings across G2, Trustpilot, and HostAdvice
  • Three-day free trial (and pro-rated refund)


  • No email hosting
  • Low storage for basic tier
  • No domain name registration
  • Charges for additional customer support outside of live chat

What Is Cloudways?

Cloudways is a managed cloud hosting solution specifically designed for small businesses. It allows businesses to choose from various cloud infrastructure providers such as AWS, DigitalOcean, Google Cloud, Linode, or Vultr servers. Cloudways offers fast load speeds, free SSL certificates, advanced caching technologies, SSD-based servers, and CDNs. It also provides dedicated firewalls and IP whitelisting for enhanced security. With Cloudways, businesses have the flexibility to scale their services up and down as needed.

How Cloudways Works

As a cloud-based web hosting service, Cloudways provides storage for website files, databases, and other data required to get your company online. It also offers email and other communication channels. Cloudways ensures consistent performance for your site by providing dedicated resources and customized server settings. This is in contrast to shared hosting services where multiple websites share resources on a single server.

To get started with Cloudways, you can choose your preferred cloud infrastructure provider and install WordPress or other CMS platforms through Cloudways' Application Management section. You can also connect your own domain to your Cloudways-hosted site by updating the DNS records.

Is Cloudways Right for Me?

Cloudways is best suited for:

  • Websites built using WordPress CMS
  • Growing businesses with fluctuating data needs
  • Media-heavy websites that require fast loading speeds
  • Those who prefer managed hosting over shared hosting
  • Developers and agencies managing multiple client websites

Cloudways may not be recommended for:

  • Users with limited technological knowledge
  • Businesses with minimal data needs that can be met by shared hosting
  • Businesses requiring a wide selection of data center locations
  • Users who prefer predictable monthly costs over pay-as-you-go pricing

What Sets Cloudways Apart

Cloudways stands out from the competition by offering flexibility in cloud provider choice, a user-friendly platform, performance optimization, and a pay-as-you-go pricing structure. All plans include unlimited WordPress websites, 24/7 live chat support, free website migration, in-house cache plugin, and team collaboration features.

While Cloudways does not offer email hosting as part of its hosting package, it provides add-ons for Gmail SMTP servers or fully managed email services. Domain name registration is also not included, but you can point your domain from any registrar to your Cloudways-hosted site.

Cloudways Features

Cloud Providers

Cloudways allows you to choose from five cloud server providers: DigitalOcean, Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services, Linode, and Vultr. Each provider offers robust cloud-based servers with varying processing power, memory, and storage space.

Storage and Bandwidth Limits

Cloudways offers plans with storage ranging from 25GB to 3840GB and bandwidth from 2GB to 12TB. Bandwidth usage is metered and billed accordingly.

Extras and Inclusions

Cloudways hosting includes a free SSL certificate for added security. However, it does not provide additional features such as free domains and email hosting.

Ease of Use

Cloudways hosting has a higher learning curve compared to some web hosting services, making it less suitable for beginners with limited technological knowledge. The user interface and configuration options can be complex.

User Dashboard/cPanel

Cloudways provides a custom-built user dashboard for managing hosting services. It offers basic server management functions, including server and application management, domain management, SSL certificate installation, backups, and server scaling.


Cloudways offers free SSL certificates, IP address whitelisting, regular firmware upgrades, and built-in security systems to prevent vulnerabilities and unauthorized access to data.

Server Monitoring

Cloudways allows users to monitor the load on their cloud server through the dashboard. Users can track variables such as incoming traffic to anticipate surges and upgrade plans accordingly.

Pay-as-You-Go Cloud Hosting

Cloudways offers pay-as-you-go service, allowing users to pay for the storage and bandwidth they use. Pricing varies based on the chosen provider and billing frequency.

Cloudways Customer Service and Support

Cloudways provides 24/7 customer support via email, online chat, and a comprehensive FAQ help center. Additional customer service options are available for an extra fee.

Expert Opinion

Cloudways is an excellent choice for small business owners looking to build a cloud-based, managed WordPress site. However, it may not be suitable for users who prefer a hands-off experience or require domain name registration and email hosting. Cloudways' pricing structure and complex user interface may also be challenging for beginners.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What is managed WordPress hosting? A: Managed WordPress hosting involves hosting a website using the WordPress platform. The hosting company takes care of tasks such as WordPress installation, core updates, daily backups, and enhanced security measures.

Q: What is the difference between dedicated and shared hosting? A: Shared hosting involves multiple websites sharing resources on a single server, while dedicated hosting provides an individual server for a single website.

Q: What is a bandwidth limit? A: Bandwidth refers to the data transmitted to a website visitor or uploaded by the visitor to the web server. The bandwidth limit is the maximum amount of data allowed on a hosting plan within a specific period.

Q: How does Cloudways compare to Bluehost, HostGator, and GoDaddy? A: Cloudways offers unique features such as flexibility in cloud provider choice and pay-as-you-go pricing. Bluehost, HostGator, and GoDaddy offer different hosting packages and additional services.

In conclusion, Cloudways is a reliable managed cloud hosting service suitable for small businesses, particularly those using WordPress CMS. It offers flexibility, performance optimization, and pay-as-you-go pricing. However, it may not be the best choice for beginners or users requiring extensive customer support, domain name registration, and email hosting.

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